

Want to take your career to the next level? My speciality is helping engineering leaders in technology companies thrive. I've been coaching leaders for many years and I'm open to taking on a few more leaders. Here are some of the types of problems that I help others work through.


  • "I'm fighting fires all day long. I feel behind."
  • "I'm stuck in a rut and I need to break out."
  • "I'm not sure what my next career move should be."


  • "I've received feedback that I need to be more strategic. Where do I start?"
  • "I'm inheriting an existing engineering team. What do I do now?"
  • "After this last reorganization, my team's morale is crushed. How do I fix this?"


  • "My manager and I aren't on the same page."
  • "I need to work on my visibility with leadership. Nobody knows my team exists."
  • "How do I take control of my career if my manager doesn't seem willing?"

The process involves asking lots of questions while also pointing you to artifacts from my own leadership playbook. If you're interested in coaching, let's become friends first. Send me an email or DM me on twitter to say hi.

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